Suresh Law Professional Corporation


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Thank you for recommending Suresh Law to your friends and family!  Suresh Law provides practical and cost-effective legal services in the following areas: – Business law – Technology law  – Real estate law  – Wills and estates 

Myth vs Fact: Contracts

MYTH:  Contracts are unnecessary for startups; verbal agreements are enough.  FACT:  Verbal agreements can be legally binding, but they can also be difficult to enforce and prove in court. Having written contracts provides clarity, helps prevent misunderstandings, and protects your interests. Contracts are especially crucial when dealing with key stakeholders, such as employees, suppliers, investors, …

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Incorporate your new business

Ready to incorporate your new business? At Suresh Law, our experienced team can guide you through the process and ensure that all legal requirements are met. We can help make incorporating your business a smooth and successful process. Contact us to learn more.

Employee Stock Option Plan

An Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is a type of compensation provided by companies to their employees. The plan gives employees the option to purchase company stock at a discounted price, usually at a predetermined price set at the time the option is granted. Suresh Law regularly helps companies design an ESOP that complies with …

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